Do you ever feel like you don’t have the right words to express how you’re feeling? Emotions are a universal human experience, but sometimes it can be challenging to find the right way to convey them. Fear not! In this post, we’ll explore some fun Dutch emotion words that will help you express yourself in a unique and exciting way.
Happy Emotions: Ik ben blij!
Let’s start with some positive emotions. When you’re feeling happy, you might say “ik ben blij.” But why not spice it up with some other Dutch words for happiness? Try out “verrukt” for delighted, “gelukzalig” for blissful, or “euforisch” for euphoric.

Sad Emotions: Ik ben verdrietig…
Feeling down? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with some Dutch words for sadness. Instead of just saying “ik ben verdrietig,” try using “bedroefd” for sorrowful, “rouwvol” for mournful, or “depressief” for depressed.
Angry Emotions: Ik ben boos!
Feeling angry can be tough, but expressing it in Dutch can be satisfying. Instead of just saying “ik ben boos,” try using “woedend” for furious, “razend” for raging, or “geërgerd” for irritated.
Excited Emotions: Ik ben opgewonden!
When you’re feeling excited, it’s natural to want to express it in an enthusiastic way. Instead of just saying “ik ben opgewonden,” try using “enthousiast” for enthusiastic, “gepassioneerd” for passionate, or “gedreven” for driven.
Conclusion: Let’s express with dutch emotion words!
Learning new words can be daunting, but it can also be a lot of fun! With these Dutch emotion words in your toolbox, you’ll be able to express yourself in a unique and exciting way. And if you’re interested in taking your language skills to the next level, LS Institute is here to help. Our Dutch classes for expats, both online and in-person, can help you gain the confidence you need to speak Dutch like a pro. Sign up today and start your language journey with us!